Instructional System (Volume 1)
Duvet w/Button Enclosure
Fitted Bedspread or Coverlet
Flanged Shams
Hobbled Roman Shade
One Piece Swag & Jabot on Rings
Pleated Sunburst
Scalloped Tab Draperies
Winged Roman Shade
Instructional System (Volume 3)
Cornice w/Skirted Arch Valance
Cuffed Top Draperies on Rings
Gathered Dust Ruffle
Pleated Butterfly Balloon
Round Tablecloth w/Welting
Ruffled Sham
Stagecoach Roman Shade
Tailored Cushion w/Zipper
Heading 1
When paying with Melio you will need to copy and paste the item in the invoice box
Instructional System (Volume 2)
Arched Treatment w/Scallop Box Pleats
Box Pleated Dust Ruffle
Chair Cushion w/ or w/o Tufting
Cupped Sheers on Rings
Inverted Pleat Shower Curtain w/Grommets
Neckroll Pillow w/Buttons or Rosettes
Relaxed Roman Shade
Ruche Top Draperies on Rings
Instructional System (Volume 4)
Buttons & Bells Top Treatment
Clustered Dust Ruffle
Cornice w/Arch Shaped Bottom
Draperies w/Button Lead Edge
Hexagon Pillow w/Buttons & Tassels
Shaped Top Treatment w/Bells & Jabots
Shirred Arch w/Stationary Draperies
Swagged Drapery on Pole